Artist Statement 自分の絵について











I draw  the dying plant movement, but I don't want to anthropomorphise plants.

When I say, ‘I don't eat animals,’ some people say, ‘So plants can be killed and eaten?’Some people reflexively reply.


The truth is that no one can equate life, which trembles and cries out in fear of death and pain, with plant life, which grows further after cutting off a bud or regenerates from roots beneath the soil, life that is just there, open, sending out seeds, growing as far as it can, covering sleeping animals and swaying in the wind. Tthey probably realise it.


What I want to do is to lean on the abandoned, the life that people do not care about,

Not to develop or prolong artificial art, but to break the excessively anthropocentric notions and delusions.





            ――ジャック・デリダ 『動物を追う、ゆえに私は(動物で)ある』より












                  福山知佐子『反絵、触れる、けだもののフラボン』 (水声社)より抜粋


My concern is on time rather than on space, so that I become interested in the irritation I feel watching things change every minute, and also interested in the memories of images already lost. Meanwhile, my sense of body is also changing every minute, and I become more interested in what changes things suffer in their appearances according to the change  of my sense of body, and interested in their duration itself in spite of the change.


When I watch plants die, although I do not know when they start and end their death, some unknown performance is given moment after moment more intensely and minutely than my superficial idea and composition have expected. It matters how I can become its catalyst, and the edge-conflict between time and body leads me to draw the intimate map of the already lost time where they represent themselves.


The little reverberations of coversation and vulnerable expressions repeat themselves in the deep memory and leave unknown-colored light and scent behind.


Chisako Fukuyama

Excert from ⁽The Basics of Drawing⁾(Natsune Publishing Co,Ltd.)


                                           Translated by Tooru Sato